I am masking and cropping a rasterstack to a shapefile I made. I have done this previously with another shapefile, this is no problems. However, when I do this with this specific shapefile I get the following error

Error in compareRaster(x) : different extent

I don't fully understand this because I'm comparing a raster to a shapefile and not two rasters. In addition all rasters in the rasterstack have the same extent and I'm masking them to the same shapefile. Finally, I can do the first 8 or so rasters in the raster stack manually, but when I set my loop to the first item, I get the above error. Can someone tell me what is going on?

My code:

praccirc = stack()
for (i in 1:1){
  maskraster = raster::mask(pracstack[[i]], delcirc)
  maskraster = raster::crop(maskraster,delcirc)
  praccirc= stack(janpmdelhi,maskraster)
**Error in compareRaster(x) : different extent**

#This works for raster 1 of the raster stack
pracras1 = pracstack[[1]]
pracras1mask = raster::mask(pracras1, delcirc)
pracras1mask = raster::crop(pracras1mask, delcirc)

#additionally this for loop works with this shapefile

for (i in 1:nlayers(pracstack)){
  maskraster = raster::mask(pracstack[[i]], delshp)
  maskraster = raster::crop(maskraster,delshp)
  pracdel= stack(janpmdelhi,maskraster)

The Datasets and shapefiles can be found here

1 Answer 1


Try nesting so that the mask is performed on the cropped object mask(crop(x, m), m)

  • I still get the same error. I also just tried separating the crop and mask into different for loops and the crop for loop works, but the mask for loop fails
    – johnnyg
    Commented Sep 13, 2021 at 19:09

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