How can I change the feature id
's of a layer using PyQGIS to an attribute value of that feature, where the attribute value is a unique integer? Is that possible at all, and if so, how?
Things like:
for feat in layer.getFeatures():
print( = feat['myattr']
seem not to be the way to do this. The layer is of type memory
, so not physically stored on a harddrive.
Some background on why I want to do insane stuff like that:
Using PyQGIS I have a point-inputlayer having a feature id
and this same feature id
also as attribute value fid
. Now I am running the processing algorithm Voronoi Polygons
on it. Issue is, that these voronoi polygons will have a different feature id
than the original corresponding input, but the same attribute fid
. So on the voronoilayer, the attribute fid
and the feature id
are different, while they are the same on the pointlayer. Since I work a lot with spatial indizes in this script, which return the feature id
instead of the feature itself I can no longer use voronoilayer.getFeature(pointfeatureid_from_spatialindex)
to "re-"get the feature itself, but always need to use some more complicated stuff like:
pointfeat = pointlayer.getFeature(pointid_from_index)
myattr =
expression = QgsExpression( " \"{fieldname}\" = '{value}' ".format(fieldname='fid',value=myattr) )
request = QgsFeatureRequest(expression)
voronoifeat = voronoilayer.getFeatures(request)
voronoifeat = list(voronoifeat)[0]
Which makes things a little more complicated. So if possible I'd like to skip this and be able to use voronoifeat = voronoilayer.getFeature(pointid_from_index)
Is it possible to change the feature id
's of an existing layer or would I need to create a new layer and add the copied features from the old layer in my wanted order one after another?
While I (for now) accepted a good workaround on my actual issue, I am still interested in the actual answer to the question.