I'm using GDAL 3.3.1 with all the necessary variables already setup.
I'm reprojecting a vector layer using ogr2ogr ogr2ogr -t_srs EPSG:32651 test.shp new_layer.shp
and an error says
ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_create_from_database: SQLite error on SELECT name, coordinate_system_auth_name, coordinate_system_code, geodetic_crs_auth_name, geodetic_crs_code, conversion_auth_name, conversion_code, area_of_use_auth_name, area_of_use_code, text_definition, deprecated FROM projected_crs WHERE auth_name = ? AND code = ?: no such column: area_of_use_auth_name
ERROR 1: Failed to process SRS definition: EPSG:32651
A similar question was asked already but not entirely the same with my problem “Cannot find proj.db” and "ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_create_from_database: cannot build geodeticCRS 4326" errors
You're likely using a PROJ < 8 library with a proj.db from PROJ 7.2 or 8. Check PROJ_LIB