The problem with the itertools.combination
solution of
Kartograaf is that there are duplicate points in the result. The figure above obtained from the file provided shows 5 points but:
points = []
for line1, line2 in combinations([line for line in multiline],2):
if line1.intersects(line2):
11 # the result is 11 points
Duplicates points (script from python count duplicate in list):
for pt in [elem for ind, elem in enumerate(points,1) if elem not in points[ind:]]:
print("{} {}".format(points.count(pt),pt))
3 POINT (-13.0674742 8.560511)
1 POINT (-13.0815984 8.5574817)
3 POINT (-13.0846766 8.561736700000001)
1 POINT (-13.0813782 8.557494800000001)
3 POINT (-13.0714241 8.5588376)
To eliminate the duplicates, create a new GeoDataFrame with the points list as the geometry columns
res = gpd.gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry':points})
0 POINT (-13.06747 8.56051)
1 POINT (-13.07142 8.55884)
2 POINT (-13.07142 8.55884)
3 POINT (-13.06747 8.56051)
4 POINT (-13.06747 8.56051)
5 POINT (-13.08468 8.56174)
6 POINT (-13.08468 8.56174)
7 POINT (-13.08160 8.55748)
8 POINT (-13.08468 8.56174)
9 POINT (-13.08138 8.55749)
10 POINT (-13.07142 8.55884)
And eliminate the duplicates
res.drop_duplicates('geometry', inplace=True)
0 POINT (-13.06747 8.56051)
1 POINT (-13.07142 8.55884)
5 POINT (-13.08468 8.56174)
7 POINT (-13.08160 8.55748)
9 POINT (-13.08138 8.55749)
The result is 5 points
Now you can save directly the result as a shapefile:
But it is also possible to do it directly without itertools
using overlay
shapefile = gpd.read_file("test.shp")
gdf = gpd.overlay(shapefile, shapefile, how='intersection', keep_geom_type=False)
gdf = gdf[gdf.geom_type=='Point'] # select only the points
gdf.drop_duplicates('geometry', inplace=True) # delete duplicates
1 POINT (-13.06747 8.56051)
2 POINT (-13.07142 8.55884)
9 POINT (-13.08138 8.55749)
19 POINT (-13.08468 8.56174)
23 POINT (-13.08160 8.55748)
Name: geometry, dtype: geometry