I am trying to compute a script to get the cleanest image of Sentinel 2 in a prescribed time range. Currently I tried with 2 approaches: a rough one and an automatic one, but I get two different results.
The rough one gives me the output that I want (without any clouds over the ROI), but the automatic one NO! Essentially it uses the QA60 band to calculate cloud coverage % over the ROI, but something is wrong (and I don't know why)
Any suggestion on how to fix the problem?
The script: https://code.earthengine.google.com/4ef624d82002ec759f633ad68992b6de
(I don't know if you can read my asset. In case: https://code.earthengine.google.com/?asset=projects/ee-matteogiomo04/assets/TEST_SET)
var Train =
/* color: #d63000 */
/* shown: false */
[[[11.404322420267174, 46.32569478725022],
[11.402605806497643, 46.2198529823167],
[11.66559103598983, 46.28537560568817],
[11.648081575540612, 46.34489524610421]]]),
sentinel2 = ee.ImageCollection("COPERNICUS/S2_SR"),
ROI = ee.FeatureCollection("projects/ee-matteogiomo04/assets/TEST_SET"),
visParamsTrue = {"bands":["B4","B3","B2"],"min":0,"max":2500,"gamma":1.1};
// 1) Set some parameters
var start1 = ee.Date('2018-06-01')
var end1 = ee.Date('2018-07-30')
var ROI = ee.FeatureCollection(ROI).geometry()
/////// FIRST ROUGH METHOD /////////
var image = sentinel2
.filterDate(start1, end1)
.filter(ee.Filter.lt('CLOUDY_PIXEL_PERCENTAGE', 10))
.filter(ee.Filter.lt('DARK_FEATURES_PERCENTAGE', 20))
.filter(ee.Filter.lt('CLOUD_SHADOW_PERCENTAGE', 20))
.filter(ee.Filter.lt('MEAN_SOLAR_ZENITH_ANGLE', 30));
print('Less cloudy', image)
Map.addLayer(ROI, {}, 'Test Area');
Map.addLayer(image, visParamsTrue, 'Rough');
Map.centerObject(Train, 12);
///////// AUTOMATIC METHOD /////////
var images = sentinel2.filterBounds(ROI.centroid()); // filter in the centroid of the ROI
function calcCloudStats(img) {
var imgPoly = ee.Algorithms.GeometryConstructors.Polygon(
ee.Geometry( img.get('system:footprint') ).coordinates()
var intersection = ROI.intersection(imgPoly, ee.ErrorMargin(0.5))
var areaImg = img.select('QA60').multiply(ee.Image.pixelArea())
var stats = areaImg.reduceRegion({
reducer: ee.Reducer.sum(),
geometry: ROI,
scale: 10,
maxPixels: 1e9
var cloudPercent = ee.Number(stats.get('QA60')).divide(imgPoly.area())
var coveragePercent = ee.Number(intersection.area()).divide(ROI.area())
var cloudPercentROI = ee.Number(stats.get('QA60')).divide(ROI.area())
img=img.set('1_CLOUDY_PERCENTAGE', cloudPercent)
img=img.set('2_ROI_COVERAGE_PERCENT', coveragePercent)
img=img.set('3_CLOUDY_PERCENTAGE_ROI', cloudPercentROI)
var cloudIndexes = images.map(calcCloudStats)
var image1 = cloudIndexes
.filterDate(start1, end1)
Map.addLayer(image1, visParamsTrue, 'Automatic');