I have a ~10GB, Australia-wide, single band dataset consisting of 3,351 GeoTIFFs across 8 projections (Map Grid of Australia [MGA], zones 49 to 56). The data has a 2m resolution but only covers urban areas; the images are mostly NODATA.
I'm converting them into a single GDA94 lat/long Cloud Optimised GeoTIFF (COG) to serve the data from AWS S3 and to simplify visualisation & analysis of the data at a national scale.
Whilst merging each MGA zone's data & reprojecting them to GDA94 was fast enough (around 1-2 hours), merging the resulting 8 images and the conversion to a single COG took 8-12 hours.
In my Python script I've tested many combinations of gdal.BuildVRT
, gdal.Warp
, gdal.Translate
& gdal_merge
with a subset of the images but can't get it to process any faster (noting it's possible to make it slower with a poor combination).
The fastest process I've found is:
- Merge & reproject each MGA zone's set of images to GDA94 using gdal.Warp in a single step
- Create a VRT of the 8 GDA94 images
- Use
to merge the 8 images in the VRT and output as a single COG
Is there a faster way of doing this?:
# mosaic and transform to GDA94 lat/long for each MGA zone (aka UTM South zones on GDA94 datum)
for zone in mga_zones:
files_to_mosaic = glob.glob(os.path.join(input_dict["input_path"], f"*{input_dict['glob_pattern']}Z{zone}*.tif"))
num_images = len(files_to_mosaic)
# store the interim images in memory
interim_file = f"/vsimem/temp_Z{zone}_{input_dict['name']}.tif"
# merge and convert to GDA94
gdal.Warp(interim_file, files_to_mosaic, options="-multi -wm 80% -t_srs EPSG:4283 -co BIGTIFF=YES -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE -co NUM_THREADS=ALL_CPUS -overwrite")
# mosaic all merged files and output as a single Cloud Optimised GeoTIFF (COG) for all of AU
vrt_file = f"temp_au_{input_dict['name']}.vrt"
vrt = gdal.BuildVRT(vrt_file, warped_files_to_mosaic)
gdal.Translate(input_dict["output_file"], vrt, format="COG", options="-co BIGTIFF=YES -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE -co NUM_THREADS=ALL_CPUS")
vrt = None
It's step 3 that takes 8-12 hours on an AWS EC2 instance with 64 cores and 512GB RAM (with Amazon Linux, i.e. Fedora). It's running on Python 3.9 with GDAL 3.3.2 in a Conda environment.
- Using
followed bygdal.Warp
for step 1 caused a 2-3x slowdown (?) - Using
for steps 2 & 3 is slower thangdal.BuildVRT
- Setting
to 480GB didn't appear to have any effect on performance (noting I ran a subset of images for this testing) - Using processes with all CPUs gives a modest speedup. Python processes mostly run at 100-200% CPU; indicating limited parallelisation
- RAM is potentially underutilised; presumedly because this is a CPU heavy process. The Python process usually sits around 10-20% memory usage
- I also tested Rasterio to see the difference between C & "pure" Python and it was significantly slower with Rasterio; somewhat expected but was running out of ideas...
- Running the equivalent process in a Bash script made no noticable difference
and help GDAL to use memory efficiently. For writing a 256x256 sized tile into COG GDAL must read at least 256 whole rows from a striped TIFF and they are perhaps tens of thousands of pixels wide. GDAL usually does not need or gain from huge cachemax. If GDAL can read a small chunks of pixel data, process, and write to disk, the memory requirement is not big at all even the images may be.