After reviewing this thread Adding field with geometry in WKT format in QGIS I started to wonder about the difference between the WKT notations: 'POINT(276547.16725324 5477265.87268898)'
and 'Point (276547.16725324 5477265.87268898)'
of the same vector geometry object. Is there any difference between them two?
The same applies also to 'LINESTRING()'
and 'LineString ()'
, 'POLYGON(())'
and 'Polygon (())'
I have seen some related threads:
- What is the difference between ST_GEOMETRY and WKT?
- Where can I find the WKT standard or reference?
- Difference between LINESTRING((x1 x2), (x3 x4), (x5 x6), (x7 x8)) and LineString([(x1,x2), (x3,x4), (x5,x6), (x7,x8)])
Until now IMHO it seems to be more a software issue, rather than a dispute between Semantics and Syntax.
tag preceeds a list of tokens (e.g. list of rings | list of coordinate pairs) that are enclosed in (multiple levels of) parenthesis. Whitespaces are only considered as part of a pattern when between a set of coordinates.Point (0 1)
andPOINT (0.0 1.0)
andMULTIPOINT ((0 1))
are all equivalent. But this seems more appropriate in Reddit than GIS SE.