I'm following these instructions to setup osm2psql
. I need it to import osm
data file inside a PostGIS DB
The following steps worked fine:
createdb -E UTF8 -O user mydb
createlang plpgsql mydb
I successfully added PostGIS extensions too:
psql mydb < postgis.sql
psql mydb < spatial_ref_sys.sql
I start getting problems when trying to alter table's owner:
psql -d mydb -c "ALTER TABLE geometry_columns OWNER TO user"
psql -d mydb -c "ALTER TABLE spatial_ref_sys OWNER TO user"
both above commands produce the following syntax error:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "user" LINE 1: ALTER TABLE geometry_columns OWNER TO user
I've also tried to add a semicolon at the end of the query, but I still get the same error:
psql -d mydb -c "ALTER TABLE geometry_columns OWNER TO user;"
psql -d mydb -c "ALTER TABLE spatial_ref_sys OWNER TO user;"
I'm not so confident with SQL nor with Postgres. Could anyone tell me where's my mistake?