I'm a new on this, so I have a subscription to a RTK? service that sends correction data (RTCM/NTRIP) over GPRS/UMTS (you get a SIM card with the subscription)
I'm also having a Rover of around 2mx1.5m that navigates based on a Python script that runs on a Raspberry (Companion Computer) to which a Pixhawk (controller) is connected to control the whole rover and peripherals. The Pixhawk has a uBlox neo 6m GPS module connected to it (I read somewhere 2.5m accuracy?)
Is it somehow possible to get the correction signal from the SIM card subscription and combine it with the not so accurate GPS module to create a better accuracy signal after post-processing? What I then can inject into the Pixhawk controller? Is this even possible or should I get a RTK GPS module where I can inject the correction data into the GPS module (is this how it works?) (I assume the RTK GPS processes the data and spits out a cm level accurate position?)
I need better accuracy when the rover is driving over agriculture land and I'm already having the expensive RTK subscription so I better use it.