I have prepared and published with ArcMap 10.1 to my ArcGIS Server a Query Layer to access some information in my database. My output map represents the European Union states and using annotations, the number of cities and villages each country has.
Now, I would like to go a step further and try to specify some parameters in the WHERE clause of the SQL query that defines my query layer. Therefore the user in my web application can select from a drop-down list box simple parameters like filtering just by "Cities" or "Villages" or by population number.
I just would like to know if it is possible to configure ArcGIS to expect some input parameters coming from the web and execute the SQL query with these parameters once they have been received. Is there a way of injecting those parameters back to the ArcGIS Server and make it calculate the data I need?
Please, could you provide any ideas or guidelines about how this would be done?