I have a waterline dataset (.shp) where I have been using Shortest Path (Point to Point) analysis in QGIS 3.16. Using QGIS, I have found that if I do not increase the Topology tolerance parameter in the Shortest Path window I get the error: "There is no route from start point to end point.". However, if I adjust the Topology tolerance up by 1' I can get the correct path.
When I perform the same analysis in NetworkX I think I am encountering a similar issue. Where I will get an error like:
NetworkXNoPath: No path between (-121.16730791899134, 44.292191414768645) and (-121.17873042113929, 44.263451141699434)
even though I have performed this analysis successfully in QGIS.
Does NetworkX have a parameter that can increase the detectable edge of a node?
Example of successful Shortest Path in QGIS that NetworkX is unable to id correctly: