I'm trying to render Mapbox Vector Tiles hosted on a GeoServer instance. I followed along with the GeoServer Vector tiles tutorial without any issues (the demo uses EPSG:900913). Likewise, I'm able to preview the MVT in Tile Caching > Tile Layers. See Image #1 below. The tiles also rendered in OpenLayers when I set my map view projection to EPSG:90013.
The projection I need to use in OpenLayers is EPSG:6931. I added this projection as a new gridset following these instructions and then assigned it to the same layer (opengeo:countries). However, I get nothing when trying to preview my MVT in this projection. See Image #2 below.
When I plug this url into OpenLayers with the following code (using React), The vector layer doesn’t render on my map, similar to the GeoServer preview.
useEffect(() => {
const tileGrid = new TileGrid({
extent: [
-180.0, 51.208333333333364, -61.09935709635414, 83.2172339545356,
tileSize: 256,
resolutions: defaultResolutions,
const layer = 'opengeo:countries';
const projection_epsg_no = '6931';
const vtLayer = new VectorTileLayer({
style: new Style({
fill: new Fill({
color: '#ADD8E6',
stroke: new Stroke({
color: '#880000',
width: 1,
source: new VectorTileSource({
tileGrid: tileGrid,
projection: 'EPSG:6931',
format: new MVT(),
'http://localhost:8080/geoserver/gwc/service/tms/1.0.0/' +
layer +
'@EPSG%3A' +
projection_epsg_no +
if (olMaps[mapKey]) {
return () => {
if (olMaps[mapKey]) {
}, [olMaps, mapKey]);
This is just the test data from the GeoServer demo but the actual data I want to render has the same behavior in the MVT GeoServer preview; showing up in EPSG:900913 and displaying nothing in the new gridset with EPSG:6931.
Is there a way to retile my vector data in the correct projection so it can be ingested by OpenLayers? Is there a re-projection step I need to do? What am I missing?
placeholder in the url may not work correctly and you may need to replace it with atileUrlFunction
similar to that in described at tbe top of openlayers.org/en/latest/apidoc/module-ol_source_XYZ-XYZ.html Also check that yourdefaultResolutions
are appropriate for the grid.