Using OSGeo4W 1.5, when I go to add vector layer and select file type, navigate to my ESRI pgdb. I get a not a valid or recognized data source.

If I use the database type I get a page that defaults back to type odbc even though I just chose esri personal geodatabase in the previous dialog, it also requires host, database, port.

There seems to be no way to navigate to a file.

The help file is also blank and says new ogr database connection dialog.

Do I not have all the ogr support installed?

Has anyone looked into adding support for FME in QGIS? I use it to connect to many formats in all my other software.

1 Answer 1


It works from in QGIS 1.6 from OSGeo4W. Add vector layer -> File: c:\path\to\mdb

Are you sure it's a Personal Geodatabase (.mdb)?

  • not sure why I couldn't get it to work the other day. All good now.
    – Brad Nesom
    Commented Dec 7, 2010 at 16:42
  • I wonder why the option to select esri personal db is in the other dialog (database)?
    – Brad Nesom
    Commented Dec 7, 2010 at 16:43

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