I've just upgraded from proj
version 7.1 to 8.2, and some code has stopped working. I used to use proj
to determine the map projection scale error at a point with the following code (source: https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/proj/2017-November/007496.html):
echo "-55.79072944 59.20415790" | proj -VS +proj=stere +lat_0=90 +lat_ts=70 +lon_0=-45 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +type=crs
Now when I run that, I get this error:
Rel. 8.2.0, November 1st, 2021
can't initialize operations that take non-angular input coordinates
program abnormally terminated
This error is discussed on the proj
GitHub: https://github.com/OSGeo/PROJ/issues/1619, but I don't see a solution from the discussion there - they suggest cct
, but cct
does not provide an equivalent for the -S
flag: Causes estimation of meridional and parallel scale factors, area scale factor and angular distortion, and maximum and minimum scale factors to be listed
I have a CSV file with 1000s of points and I'd like to estimate area error for each of them.
Is there a replacement for...
cat latlon.csv | proj -VS ${projstr} | grep Areal ...
parameter from the string?