I have a shapefile given to me by our GIS Tech. It represents a pipeline gathering system and contains one layer. The Attribute Table contains many columns of information, some of which are incomplete. I want to update the information in those columns which are incomplete.
The four columns in question are named MATERIAL
, and WT
. I want to update WT (wall thickness). I used the Expression Builder and was able to pull a subset of the pipes like this:
"NOMINAL_DI" = '6'
I was then able to manually update the WT
field. However, there are many combinations and I would like to automate this process. How would I modify the filter to update that WT
field? Or would I need to write a python script to do this?
As far as my experience level goes, I am not experienced with Python at all, to be honest, but this would be a great opportunity for me to start learning. (My programming experience is with Fortran and VBA.) I ran through most of the QGIS Training webpages, until I determined that the answer to my question wasn't addressed there (or I was too obtuse to pick up on it, heh).