I tried to clip a raster from processing toolbox, using Clip Raster by Polygons extent but I get the error message below.
This map/raster was connected to an URL by using WMS/WMTS. Then the map was transfered to the Layers Panel by double clicking. Does the map lying in Layers folder now require some additional conversion maybe and how?
ERROR 4: `crs=EPSG:25832&dpiMode=7&format=image/png&layers=topo4&styles=default&tileMatrixSet=EPSG:25832&url=https://opencache.statkart.no/gatekeeper/gk/gk.open_wmts?Version%3D1.0.0%26service%3Dwmts%26request%3Dgetcapabilities' does not exist in the file system, and is not recognized as a supported dataset name.
Process returned error code 1
Execution completed in 0.16 seconds