I have a shapefile consisting of around 4000 polygons. The polygons are created from buffering around a similar number of islands somewhere in the Norwegian archipelago. Due to an error in the dissolve functionality using arcpy dissolve fails. I am assuming this is because arcpy.Dissolve_management can not handle too many overlapping features.
To try to work around this I plan on splitting my initial file into ten separate files consisting of around 400 features which are then dissolved separately. These ten files are then merged together and a final dissolve is performed.
How can I do such a selection? The arcpy.select_analysis allows for a where clause. How can I use this to select the n first features, then the n+1 to n*2 features, then the n*2+1 to n*3 features etc?
My final goal is to make a small arcpy function which could be a preliminary fix for us mere mortals relying on ESRIs bug fixing.