I am trying to run a query on a PostGIS table via PyQGIS (QGIS3.16-Hannover installed on an Ubuntu 20.04LTS Desktop). Everything works fine if I SELECT ALL FIELDS using the wildcard pattern (*) according to the code below:
uri = QgsDataSourceUri()
uri.setConnection("localhost", "5432", "dbname", "username", "password")
nb = 1050130
fields = '*'
sql ='''(SELECT {} FROM montebelodosul.cadastro_urbano_montebelodosul_p WHERE numero_cadastro = {})'''.format(fields,nb)
uri.setDataSource('', f'({sql})', 'geom', '', 'id')
# add the layer to the canvas
pg_layer = QgsVectorLayer(uri.uri(False), "queryLayer", "postgres")
if not pg_layer.isValid():
print ("Table %s did not load" % pg_layer.name())
However, changing the sql to SELECT a specific table field such as id_ruas, as shown below:
uri = QgsDataSourceUri()
uri.setConnection("localhost", "5432", "dbname", "username", "password")
nb = 1050130
fields = 'id_ruas'
sql ='''(SELECT {} FROM montebelodosul.cadastro_urbano_montebelodosul_p WHERE numero_cadastro = {})'''.format(fields,nb)
uri.setDataSource('', f'({sql})', 'geom', '', 'id')
# add the layer to the canvas
pg_layer = QgsVectorLayer(uri.uri(False), "queryLayer", "postgres")
if not pg_layer.isValid():
print ("Table %s did not load" % pg_layer.name())
I get the following error message:
Erroneous query: SELECT "geom" FROM ((SELECT id_ruas FROM montebelodosul.cadastro_urbano_montebelodosul_p WHERE numero_cadastro = 1050130)) AS "subQuery_0" LIMIT 0 returned 7 [ERROR: column "geom" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT "geom" FROM ((SELECT id_ruas FROM montebelodosul.cada...
How do I fix this?