I have >200 scanned maps for georeferencing (downloadable example). But as soon as I load them into the georeferencer in QGIS they appear rotated 90 degrees (E or W). Despite the rotation, when I try to georeference them, it fails to work every time. When I click on the 'rotation' button at the bottom of the Qgis GDAL georeferencer screen, it still fails to georeference correctly. If I resave the jpeg in picture viewer to the correct rotation, it still fails to georeference properly.
I have also tried rotating the image in Adobe Illustrator first to see if that fixes the problem, but sadly not. The only way it works is if I use the 'freehand georeferencer' and use the rotation tool, but as you can imagine it is much more time consuming.
I have no issues georeferencing any of my other maps which were not scanned so I am certain it is something to do with the metadata of the image, however I can't seem to figure out what I should do next.
Can anyone shed some light on how I can fix this?