Intersect your points and polygons. Then:
Option 1: If you have Advanced license one way is to Sort by point value then Delete Identical by polygon id field.
Option 2: Use arcpy:
import arcpy
#Adjust these three lines to match you input layer and fields
fc = r'points_inter_grid' #The intersection of your points and polygons output layer
polygon_id_field = 'ruta' #Polygon identifier field
point_value_field = 'DOY' #Point value field
#List all rows in intersection layer, for each row list polygon id, point value and object id
alldata = [row for row in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(in_table=fc, field_names=[polygon_id_field, point_value_field, 'OID@'])]
#[('66H 0h SV', 990.197, 653238), ('66H 0h SV', 983.55, 656320), ('66H 0h SV', 965.07, 651390), ('66H 0h SV', 964.652, 657665)] #Like this
alldata = sorted(alldata, key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1]), reverse=True) #Sort by polygon id and point value so the lowest value comes last
#('66H 0h SV', 990.197, 653238)
#('66H 0h SV', 983.55, 656320)
minval = {val[0]:val[2] for val in alldata} #For each polygon id, store the lowest points object id
#{'66H 0h SV': 650386, '66H 0g SV': 651881... #So for polygon '66H 0h SV', point with object id 650386 has the lowest DOY value
to_select = tuple(minval.values())
#(650386, 651881, 657618, 653111, 650398, 655888, ...
sql = "{0} IN{1}".format(arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(datasource=fc, field=arcpy.Describe(fc).OIDFieldName), to_select) #Create a sql clause
#'"OBJECTID" IN(650386, 651881, 657618, 653111, 650398, ...)
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(in_layer_or_view=fc, where_clause=sql) #Select them