I have published to ArcGIS Portal a Map Image Layer containing 3 layers. Each layer contains some overhead and underground (UG) assets. Usually, I would just make a definition query to only select the UG by attribute. It seems that Map Image Layers behave differently than other feature types. Instead of the usual options in ArcGIS, I have this limited subset:


I had thought I could just select the UG attribute here in the Custom Parameters, but I cannot seem to find the proper syntax to query here. My searches about custom parameters all seem to hit on a url based API instead of editing the layer properties in ArcGIS Pro.

  • Have you looked at this page?
    – Hornbydd
    Commented Mar 8, 2022 at 17:22
  • 1
    My case looks similar to example 3. At any rate, parameter = "FID", value = "3110" changes nothing. No combination of Field as parameter and Value as value changed the data output. Maybe because my layer is not a WFS, and the fields are different?
    – Clay
    Commented Mar 8, 2022 at 22:24


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