I have a normal geotiff that i've converted to a Cloud Optimized GeoTiff (COGtiff) via GDAL 3.2:
$ gdal_translate image.tif image-COG.tif -of COG
it validates successfully with 'validate_cloud_optimized_geotiff.py'
$ python3 validate_cloud_optimized_geotiff.py image-COG.tif
image-COG.tif is a valid cloud optimized GeoTIFF . The size of all IFD headers is 2530899 bytes
But when I try to load this image-COG.tif (hosted on an AWS S3 bucket) into QGIS, it doesn't show the 'Options' when I supply the file in the dialogue, so I can't click 'Add'.
A COG that someone else produced via this great COG Tutorial loads successfully into QGIS 3.2 and shows the 'Options' section in the dialogue when I supply the filepath:
Is there something I'm missing on the GDAL COG translation that is necessary for QGIS to be able to load it?
to the COG url, QGIS shows the GDAL options