Once created a layer, how can I hide/show it? I can enable/disable the rendering of a specific layer by selecting the checkbox through QGIS, but I need to do it programmatically with PyQGIS.

How can I show/hide(not remove) a label from Python code?

I'm looking for something like:

aLayer = self.addVectorLayer(uri.uri(), layerName, self.dbConn.getProviderName())
  • I'm glad you changed the variable name vl (from the similar code sample in an earlier question) to aLayer. It's easy to confuse the lowercase letter l with the digit 1.
    – andytilia
    Commented Dec 3, 2012 at 16:15
  • @andytilia: you are right. I edited the old questions too.
    – Heisenbug
    Commented Dec 3, 2012 at 16:19

2 Answers 2


For QGIS 2 versions

One can control the layer visibility through the legend object. Here it is, using your sample code above:

aLayer = self.addVectorLayer(uri.uri(), layerName, self.dbConn.getProviderName())

legend = self.legendInterface()  # access the legend
legend.setLayerVisible(aLayer, False)  # hide the layer
# do something else
legend.setLayerVisible(aLayer, True)  # show the layer

# maybe later I want to check if the layer is visible
print legend.isLayerVisible(aLayer)

For more details, see the documentation for legendInterface: https://api.qgis.org/api/2.18/classQgsLegendInterface.html


For QGIS 3 versions

It can be achieved either

since QGIS 3.10

or the setLayerVisible() method of the QgsLayerTreeView class:

from qgis.utils import iface

layer = iface.activeLayer()
view = iface.layerTreeView()

view.setLayerVisible(layer, False)

since QGIS 3.0

through the setItemVisibilityChecked() method, that belongs to the QgsLayerTreeNode class:

from qgis.utils import iface
from qgis.core import QgsProject

layer = iface.activeLayer()

node = QgsProject.instance().layerTreeRoot().findLayer(layer.id())

if node.isVisible():


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