I need to be able to align utility drawings and maps with the street map/satellite images for our maintenance department's records of electrical conduits, piping and other underground utilities that need to be rather precise. I haven't been able to figure out how to change the viewing angle to be perfectly top-down (nadir) so any maps I import cannot align with the satellite imagery. I have tried using the Freehand Raster Georeferencer plugin to deform the maps after import, but that does not seem to work well for me, and is only a way to skirt around the actual problem. As for CRS, the project originally used EPSG:4269 (the location is roughly near SF California) and tried changing to ERSI:104602 to see if that would resolve the issue.
If I go to maps.google.com, switch to the satellite imagery, and zoom in to where you can see individual buildings, it shows them in proper NADIR view like I need. If you click the little icon that says "3D" on it, then it shifts into a similar projection to the one I have. I don't know how, or if I can differentiate when I import the images to QGIS, but I think that shift from "3D" to "2D" would resolve my issues.
This is my view of the area of my project in ERSI:104602 imported to QGIS with this link I found elsewhere: https://mt1.google.com/vt/lyrs=s&x={x}&y={y}&z={z} (pardon my hasty building shape outlines)
This is a scan of the base layer for some of the utility drawings I need to import: