I am making a dashboard in ArcGIS Online. (see figure)

dashboard view, with a map on the left, list in the middle and bar diagram on the right

I want to create a list for users to select their biomass of interest and use them as a filter for the diagrams on the right. The current names in the list are ugly (for lack of a better word). I want to remove everything contained in brackets. For this purpose, I used Arcade's Split() function as follows:

Split(Text($datapoint["Nom_biomasse"])," (",1)[0]

However, the result is still the exact same as $datapoint["Nom_biomasse"] (the field containing the biomass names) on its own.

Is there something I am doing wrong or is this just something that cannot be done with dashboard lists?

It seems the Split() function inside the expression works fine. However, I am unable to reference it in the list itself.

1 Answer 1


I figured it out eventually. May this serve as an illustration to the ArcGIS online help.

When enabling advanced formatting, there is a sample code available. My mistake was to ignore this sample code and write my expression from scratch. Following the sample structure, here is my current Arcade expression:

return {
  textColor: '',
  backgroundColor: '',
  selectionColor: '',
  selectionTextColor: '',
  attributes: {
        attribute2: Split($datapoint["Nom_biomasse"], " (")[0]

The attribute2 can then be referenced in the list with the following expression:


(see figure) enter image description here

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