I am running analysis on forest area MultiPolygons to calculate tree cover loss using the Hansen et al dataset (ee.Image('UMD/hansen/global_forest_change_2020_v1_8')).
I am running into problems because the MultiPolygon I am using is made up of 5000 Polygons. If I try to run the pass the whole thing through a function then GEE times out and I get the error: 'EEException: Request payload size exceeds the limit: 10485760 bytes.'
Is there a way to manage this efficiently?
I can run the analysis in segments like this (hansen_map(forest_multipolygon[500:1000])) but I then end up with only a section of the forest area on the map and I would like to visualise the total project area in one go.
The function and Python code I am using is below:
def hansen_map(coord):
Map = geemap.Map()
forest_threshold = 30
proj = ee.Projection('EPSG:3857')
loc = ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon(coord)#.MultiPolygon(coord)
# Import Hansen dataset with it clipped for the specific loc based upon project coordinates
hansen_dataset = ee.Image('UMD/hansen/global_forest_change_2020_v1_8').clip(loc)
# Add map layers with visual parameters
treeCoverVisParam = {
'bands': ['treecover2000'],
'min': 0,
'max': 100,
'palette': ['black', 'green']
Map.addLayer(hansen_dataset, treeCoverVisParam, 'tree cover')
treeLossVisParam = {
'bands': ['lossyear'],
'min': 0,
'max': 20,
'palette': ['yellow', 'red']
Map.addLayer(hansen_dataset, treeLossVisParam, 'tree loss year')
visParams_forest21 = {'palette': 'green'}
## Define the forest extent using Hansen tree cover and forest definition
# Get the various image from Hansem - select loss and tree cover bands - reproject the raster
tree00 = hansen_dataset.select(['treecover2000']).reproject(proj,None, 30)
landmask = hansen_dataset.select(['datamask']).reproject(proj,None,30)
gainImage = hansen_dataset.select(['gain']).reproject(proj,None,30)
# mask the area only the non-deforested and define the forest extent
tree21_reclass_proj = tree00.updateMask(lossImage.eq(0)).gte(forest_threshold)
# produce the forest extent area
tree21 = tree21_reclass_proj.updateMask(tree21_reclass_proj.eq(1))
# display results on map
Map.addLayer(tree21.clip(loc),visParams_forest21, 'Forest Extent 2021')
return Map