So I understand that you have a set of trajectories and you want to convert these trajectories into relative trajectories by making the first point as origin. Let's take an example of following trajectory
trajectory = [[72.90106773376465,19.11997972844786,203],
It appears like this when plotted
I would first convert this trajectory into ECEF or UTM coordinates, since these are meter based coordinates, so it would be easy to normalize and translate them to new origin. Once done I would subtract the coordinates of first point of the trajectory from all the other of the trajectory.
i.e if coordinates of first point is x1,y1,z1 we will do X-x1, Y-y1, Z-z1, where X, Y, Z represent each point coordinate in the trajectory. Thus the first point is set to (0,0,0) and rest ot the points are relative to this now.
Here is the code to do this. I use pyproj for conversions.
from pyproj import Transformer
coords = [[72.90106773376465,19.11997972844786,203],
def lla_to_ecef_pyproj(lat, lon, alt):
transformer = Transformer.from_crs("epsg:4326", "epsg:4978")
x, y, z = transformer.transform(lon, lat, alt)
return x, y, z
def relative_by_first_coord(trajectory):
first_point_x, first_point_y, first_point_z = trajectory[0]
translated_trajectory = []
for point in trajectory:
new_x = point[0]-first_point_x
new_y = point[1]-first_point_y
new_z = point[2]-first_point_z
return translated_trajectory
if __name__ == '__main__':
ecef_converted_trajectory = []
for pt in coords:
ecef_converted_trajectory.append(lla_to_ecef_pyproj(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]))
print("#### ECEF COORDS ####")
print("#### RELATIVE COORDS ####")
relative_trajectory = relative_by_first_coord(ecef_converted_trajectory)
The above code prints following output
#### ECEF COORDS ####
[(1772556.6357742352, 5762167.471603105, 2075968.7476994193), (1772498.372090993, 5762189.239816475, 2075958.1453859464), (1772428.1327407553, 5762218.151895516, 2075938.0009548392), (1772406.9850470952, 5762226.1949371165, 2075933.760016046), (1772391.6645347767, 5762233.983678933, 2075925.2781322717), (1772380.0116577018, 5762238.337023567, 2075923.1576600387)]
[[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-58.263683242257684, 21.768213369883597, -10.602313472889364], [-128.50303347990848, 50.68029241077602, -30.746744580101222], [-149.65072714001872, 58.72333401162177, -34.987683373270556], [-164.97123945853673, 66.51207582838833, -43.46956714754924], [-176.62411653343588, 70.86542046256363, -45.590039380593225]]
In case you need relative sub-trajectories based on the current location you are on, you can execute this iteratively for sub-trajectories. For eg. if you have a trajectory with 4 points [A,B,C,D], while at A you need B's location relative to A, and while at B you need C's location relative to B like that, you need to run the above code iteratively for sub trajectories or just for the next point with respect to current point