So I have various Points (comments) across a map on a comments layer and I have a select interaction which is used to show a text popup when the comments point is selected. When I select a point once, it works as it is supposed to. However, if I click anywhere else on the map after that, the select event still gets fired when it is not supposed to since I have used filter for the select interaction to select only the comments layer. Any idea what is causing this problem?
let select = new ol.interaction.Select({
layers: [commentsLayer]
style: commentsLayerStyle,
select.on('select', function (e) {
const comment = select.getFeatures().item(0).getProperties().comment
if (comment) {
const content = document.getElementById('popup-content')
content.innerHTML = comment;
I have realized the issue. The on select event is getting fired for de-selection of features too (clicking outside of the filtered layer). So I need to figure out a way for the on select event to fire only when a feature is selected and not when it is deselected. Does it have anything to do with addCondition option of Select?