I have two PostGIS tables which include geometries`:

    f_id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('fid_seq'::regclass), 
    myattr int,
    geom geometry(CompoundCurve,4326) NOT NULL,
 CONSTRAINT compcurv_pkey PRIMARY KEY (fid))

    fid bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('fid_seq'::regclass), 
    myattr int,
    geom geometry(Point,4326) NOT NULL,
 CONSTRAINT compcurv_pkey PRIMARY KEY (fid))

I would now like to create a trigger function that splits my compcurv layer using my pnts layer after a change on either (All pnts features are vertices of a compcurv feature) and add the split compund curves to compcurv. I have tried ST_Split which does not work due to the circularstrings.

  • 1
    You would need to transform your ST_CurveToLine - it will conserve your curve vertices - and vice versa. However, it seems ambiguous, and tedious, to have triggers here, especially on changes to the vertex table. I'd suggest to only work with the vertices, and a set of positional identifiers to recreate curves - which is much easier to handle when applying changes (you'd only update the positional ids), and then have a Materialized View that constructs curves based on those ids; a refresh would make changes take effect automatically.
    – geozelot
    Commented Jul 5, 2022 at 17:02


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