I can produce my webmap using the qgis2web plugin without a problem. When the index.html file is created I click on the index.html file and the webmap opens and I can see my map content. So far so good.

Now, in the next step I want to add/embed/view this webmap on my SharePoint site.

I tried several attempts.

  • Load the whole gis folder including all subfolders and the index.html file to a sharepoint library and then click on the index.html file again. It opens, but it is a bank page. When I open the index.html in my Windows Explorer then I can see the map. But it is empty via SharePoint...
  • I tried to rename the index.html to index.aspx. When I click on it, it automatically downloads the file without viewing it.
  • I tried to export as leaflet and as OpenLayers but both result in an empty webmap on SharePoint again but perfectly fine in the explorer.
  • I tried to export with FTP protocol (instead to the folder option) but got stuck.

So, is there a way to either view my map which is perfectly presented in a web map that is stored on my C-drive but not on sharepoint, or if there is a way to export to FTP and if yes, do you know what to do?

And/or maybe you know how to modify a filepath C:/// to a HTTPS link on SharePoint?

1 Answer 1


Have you tried this route? How to host static HTML sites on modern SharePoint site collections https://sharepoint.handsontek.net/2022/02/07/host-static-html-sites-modern-sharepoint-site-collections/


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