I dont fully understand how to use the "geom" parameter in python geocube library with crs different than 4326, described here: https://corteva.github.io/geocube/stable/geocube.html#make-geocube
Could anyone please show me, how to use the geom parameter with crs 3857, while taking the bbox from other raster layer, or set of coordinates? I can't seem to get the syntax of specifying the different crs right... I think the documentation is missing a clear and simple example. I am rasterizing a point gdf and need the raster to be snapped to some other raster with the given bbox...
bbox = (-9907392, 5160736, -9795746, 5311946)
geo_grid = make_geocube(
geom = json.dumps(mapping(box(???))),
resolution=(-2, 2),