I want to display a point/place (somewhere in Hamilton/Bermuda) with Folium but all I get is a blank map in Jupyter-lab:

import folium

map = folium.Map(location = [-64.778389, 32.289978], tiles = "OpenStreetMap", crs='EPSG4216')


enter image description here

Is there any explanation for that ? Did I miss something ? Here is the link of that position in epsg : https://epsg.io/map#srs=4216&x=-64.778389&y=32.289978&z=17&layer=streets

enter image description here

  • I think the projection/crs is not understood so the map fails to load. It loads fine if you pass it coordinates in EPSG4283.
    – user2856
    Commented Jul 29, 2022 at 13:34
  • Thank you. So, since Folium seems to not recognize these XY coordinates, is there a way we can transform that to Lat/Lon coordinates (in 4326 for e.g) ?
    – Timeless.
    Commented Jul 29, 2022 at 13:44
  • Yes. pyproj, geopandas, gdal/ogr. gis.stackexchange.com/a/78944/2856
    – user2856
    Commented Jul 29, 2022 at 23:22

1 Answer 1


AS mentioned in the comment you can simply project your coordinates to 4326 before setting them in the map. Using pyproj the solution could look like:

import folium
from pyproj import Transformer

t = Transformer.from_crs(4216, 4326)

x, y =  32.289978, -64.778389

map = folium.Map(location = t.transform(x, y), tiles = "OpenStreetMap")


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