You can build a timeseries for mean or standard deviation band values over a geometry in Google Earth Engine (see code below). However, there does not appear to be an option to plot a timeseries of Coefficient of Variation, despite mean and standard deviation reducers being available.
To generate a Coefficient of Variation timeseries, you could generate mean and standard deviation timerseries and calculate the CV for each plot outside of Google Earth Engine, but this seems impractical. Can this calculation be performed from reducers inside Google Earth Engine?
var evoNDvI = ui.Chart.image.seriesByRegion(
S2, // Image collection
geometry, // Region
ee.Reducer.mean(), // Type of reducer
'ndvi', // Band
10); // Scale
var plotNDvI = evoNDvI // Data
.setChartType('LineChart') // Type of plot
.setOptions({ // Plot customization
interpolateNulls: true,
lineWidth: 1,
pointSize: 3
. However, keep in mind that for long duration time series data you encounter the long run problem that requires a special case of variance (Omega). Long run variance is basically a measure of the standard error of the sample mean. This can be done efficiently using a kernel function to derive weights. I doubt that this is available in GEE but, it is worth checking. May be tricky to code yourself but, is a necessity for a correct specification of the statistic.