I am trying to do a data analysis of traffic streets that would show the amount of Average Daily Traffic (ADT) as it corresponds to streets with 2 lanes. I have a feature class that shows ADT and would only like to select from this feature numbers in the range of 3500-6000 adt. I have a feature class with street types that shows streets with T2, 2 lane intersections. I would like to see how this data correlates.
The SQL operator I have tried using is:
"2018_Traffic_Flow_Counts.AWDT" >3500 AND "Traffic_Lanes.LANETYPE" = 'T2' AND NOT "2018_Traffic_Flow_Counts.AWDT" >6000
but it is showing me all T2 Traffic lanes as well as all adt between 3500-6000, instead of just showing the t2 lanes that intersect with traffic lanes with t2 and the selected adt.