I would like to apply an expression to an image based on conditions. The part of my code that I
need to do this in is where i need to calculate runoff Q2
based on values of AMC
and S
var runoff_func = function(image) {
var AMC = image.select('precipitation_1')
var ppt = image.select('precipitation')
var AMCreplaced = S_image2_slope_corrected.where(AMC.lte(13), S_image1);
var AMCreplaced2 = AMCreplaced.where(AMC.gt(28), S_image3)
var s_value = AMCreplaced2.select('S_image2_slope_corrected')
// adjusted Q based on Verma et al., 2018
var Q2 = image.expression(
'((ppt-0.12*S_image + 0.19*(sqrt(ppt*S_image))*(ppt-0.12*S_image +0.38*S_image))/(ppt+0.88*S_image)+(0.38*S_image))', {
'ppt': image.select('precipitation'),
'S_image': AMCreplaced2.select('S_image2_slope_corrected')
var Q3 = Q2.where(ppt.lt(s_value.multiply(0.2)), zeroImage)
return Q3.clip(Drakensberg).rename('runoff')
.copyProperties(image, ["system:time_start"]);
var runoff = MergedRain_AMC.map(runoff_func)
I would like to calculate Q2
based on the following conditions:
If ppt <= (0.12*S_image2 - 0.19*S_image2) then Q = 0
If (0.12*S_image2 -P)<= 0.19 *S_image2 <0.12*S_image2_slope_corrected then Q = ((ppt-0.12*S_image + 0.19*(sqrt(ppt*S_image))*(ppt-0.12*S_image +0.38*S_image))/(ppt+0.88*S_image)+(0.38*S_image))
If 0.12*S_image2 <= 0.19*S_image2<= 1.12*S_image2 then
Q = ppt (1- (1.12*S_image2 - 0.19*S_image2)**2/ppt*(1.12*S_image2 - 0.19*S_image2)+S_image2*(S_image2+0.19*S_image2))
Here is the link to my code: