I switched platforms that I was running QGIS on, and as a result, the path to the source file for a couple layers in my project changed. However, I do not seem to be able to repair the data source. When the repair data source dialog comes up, it lets me navigate to the directory that the source file is in, but it does not show the source file itself. It shows several PDF and JSON files which are in the directory, but my source file is a TXT file.
At the bottom of the dialog it shows:
Original source URI: file:///dev/shm/pts.txt?type=csv&maxFields=10000&detectTypes=yes&xField=longitude&yField=latitude&crs=EPSG:4326&spatialIndex=no&subsetIndex=no&watchFile=no
The part of the URI before the query string is clickable, but doing so only bring up the file explorer. I don't seem to be able to actually edit the original source URI.
I tried renaming my save file from qgz to gz, then gunzipping it, and editing it in a text editor, and replacing all occurrences of dev/shm
with the new correct path (so the URL now reads something along the lines of file:///B:/path/to/pts.txt?...
), then gzipping it back up and renaming it back to qgz, but when I open this file I get a completely blank project.
I also tried auto-finding when the project first loads, but it stops responding for a few seconds and then the QGIS app spontaneously disappears (e.g. exits).
What is the correct way to get QGIS to recognize my data sources?