I will try to briefly describe, namely, it is a forest area and polygons mark some kind of reference area, roads are lines, and there are also tractor roads (the same lines) which in this case are the subject of observation, namely tractor roads start from the road and within that polygon expand and branch (like the veins on the leaves of a tree), what needs to be measured is every single distance from the place where the tractor path forks to the point of exit to the road, but following the tractor path in question...
Of course, this can be obtained using the measuring line tool and slowly clicking on the line, I also tried using the QNEAT3 plugin - from matrix from point as table, but I get a large number of records that are quite difficult and slow to filter.
My thinking goes in the direction of placing points at the intersections of forest roads using extract specific vertices, then at the intersections of forest roads and roads, place a second layer of points and then calculate (measure) the distance between those blue points in the image and yellow x and the network is the blue line.
QNEAT3-routing-shortest path does exactly what I have in mind, but I don't need a vector layer, but only a figure of how long that distance is...and immediately further measurement...or a model that would automatically fill the attribute table and solve everything with one click distance...
Maybe some kind of plug-in like the MEASURE tool, but add the possibility of choosing the "network layer" -> mark the starting point, mark the end point, and the tool itself, following the selected layer, measures the distance.