I have a table where when I click on a row of the table, I get the content/objects of the row which I am passing to the Dialog component that uses
to display the item's location based on the xy coordinate.
const mapRef = useRef(null);
// makeshift data
const rowData = {
laty: 5.4959,
longx: 7.0807,
useEffect(() => {
console.log(mapRef.current); // does not render the map methods/objects on first modal render
if (mapRef.current) {
lat: rowData?.laty,
lng: rowData?.longx,
}, [rowData]);
When clicked it shows the map, but the issue is that the mapref returns null on the first render, when I console.log(mapref) shows null instead of the available mapref objects which I can use such as flyTo(), setCenter() etc. I know it's supposed to show null on the initial render but not when I launch the Modal.
how can I solve this?
Please see sandbox for better context