I want to have raster with 30 m resolution. Using EE's reproject method:
lulc.reproject(crs='EPSG:4326', scale=30) (OR)
lulc.resample('bilinear').reproject(crs='EPSG:4326', scale=30)
Is giving raster with pixel size 0.02 but a 30m resolution raster has pixel size of 0.002 (Checked in QGIS)
I also used the following reference apart from the docs to know how to get higher resolution in Earth Engine: Resampling image or imagecollection to higher resolution in Google Earth Engine Python API
Edit: By changing the value of scale to 3 instead of 30, I got the pixel size in QGIS to 0.002 but I would like to know the difference between the scale in EE and the 30m resolution