I`m trying to create map which has several layers. One of them consist of country borders (admin_level = 2,3), country name and region names. I use data of coordinates of Armenia and China from https://download.geofabrik.de/asia.html. I succesfully consolidated these countries with Osmosis 0.40.1.:
osmosis --read-pbf armenia-latest.osm.pbf --read-pbf china-latest.osm.pbf --merge --write-pbf ArChina.osm.pbf
And extracted border with admin_level = 2,3:
osmosis --read-pbf ArChina.osm.pbf --tf accept-relation boundary=administrative admin_level=2,3 --tf reject-ways admin_level=5,6,7,8,9 --used-way idTrackerType=Dynamic --tf reject-nodes admin_level=4,5,6,7,8,9 --tf reject-nodes place=village,town,suburb,city --used-node idTrackerType=Dynamic --write-xml ArChinaBord1.osm
Then I converted it to .osm.pbf with Osmosis.
I understand that I didn't remove all the nodes such as bus stops, natural objects, etc. That`s not the problem.
The problem is - when I`ve launched this map on Ubuntu server - I saw the borders of 2 countries, region names of both of them and only 1 country name (Armenia). I was trying to zoom in and zoom out, but it didn't help. Сhina name is not showing at all.
I checked ArChinaBord1.osm (consolidated file with Armenia and China borders, names). The xml structure of Armenia and China names (node with place=country) is the same, but only one name is shown.
Could you give me some advice, how it could be fixed?