I'm struggling to evaluate the spatial autocorrelation of several databases. These databases consist of coordinates and different environmental information associated with those coordinates. Strangely, I can get very low Morans's I values (almost zero), suggesting no clustering, while ps are also very low, suggesting that clustering cannot be rejected... Trying to understand the situation, I compared (following different tutorials published online) the performance of three different libraries in the R language. Firstly, I created an ad hoc database that, I know beforehand, is not clustered:
rm(list = ls())
# Let's create some data
dta <- data.frame(LON = runif(50, 30, 60), LAT = runif(50, 30, 60),
X = round(runif(50, 1, 10),1))
plot(dta$LON, dta$LAT, type = "n")
text(dta$LON, dta$LAT, labels = dta$X)
# Let's calculate the distances among points
dta.dists <- pointDistance(dta[, c("LON", "LAT")], dta[, c("LON", "LAT")], lonlat=TRUE, allpairs = T)
diag(dta.dists) <- NA
d1 <- 0
d2 <- max(dta.dists, na.rm = T)
dta.dists.inv <- 1/dta.dists
diag(dta.dists.inv) <- 0
Then, I calculated the Moran's I index using the package ape
Moran.I(dta$X, dta.dists.inv)
Which yields:
[1] 0.02912351
[1] -0.02040816
[1] 0.03655231
[1] 0.1753889
Then, I continued using the package spdep
coo <- coordinates(cbind(dta$LON, dta$LAT))
nb <- dnearneigh(coo, d1, d2)
moran.test(dta$X, nb2listw(nb, style="C"))
Obtaining the following results:
Moran I test under randomisation
data: dta$X
weights: nb2listw(nb, style = "C")
Moran I statistic standard deviate = -1.4754e-09, p-value = 0.5
alternative hypothesis: greater
sample estimates:
Moran I statistic Expectation Variance
-2.040816e-02 -2.040816e-02 2.211772e-17
Finally, I applied the elsa
coordinates(dta) <- ~LON +LAT
elsa::moran(dta[,1], d1, d2)
[1] -0.02040816
That is: three packages and two different values.
Which one is the correct one?