I want to calculate speed at every point for each device_id, such that there is a new column of "speed" is attached to the current dataset

My dataset is like

imei(device_id)         point_geom(SRID 4326)           time_created

Here is my code so far:

select st_distance((points_geom::geography),lag(points_geom::geography) over (partition by imei order by time_created))
 / (time_created - lag(time_created) over(partition by imei order by time_created))  as speed
from dataset 

I am receiving this error:

SQL Error [42883]: ERROR: operator does not exist: double precision / interval

1 Answer 1


Arithmetic on two TIMESTAMP types return an INTERVAL type - use their EPOCH second representations instead:

( EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM time_created) - EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM LAG(time_created) OVER(PARTITION BY imei ORDER BY time_created))) )::FLOAT8


You can EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM <INTERVAL>) directly, however the internal INTERVAL transformation function may introduce integer rounding inaccuracies.

  • thanks, I fixed that. Is my logic / way of calculating speed okay? or should I first make separate columns for lagged time, and lagged point_geom, then do the final calculation on these columns?
    – analyst92
    Commented Sep 29, 2022 at 9:34
  • also regarding the code you posted, does it give time difference in seconds? thanks
    – analyst92
    Commented Sep 29, 2022 at 9:41
  • 1
    Looks good to me, as a simplified speed approximation. As long as execution speed is good enough, don't clutter you base tables with pure utility columns. And yes, the difference will be (decimal) seconds.
    – geozelot
    Commented Sep 29, 2022 at 10:11

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