I have a polygon-layer with several polygons, and I have an excel-table with many detected species in some of these polygons. I want to attach all the species that belong to polygon 1 to polygon 1, and all the species that belong to polygon 2 should be attached to polygon 2.
So first I have a shapefile with 3 different polygons, in the screenshot you see an example for the excel table, and in the end I want to have 6 polygons, every polygon with the information, which species were found there.
I have tried to attribute join the excel data to the shapefile (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6yVNcpnD8I) but then only the first species belonging for example to the polygon 1 is shown in the result attribut table.
But I want all three species that were found in polygon 1. What can I do?
My next step to create a 1-n-relation
here comes the screenshot of the solution from the toolbox "Join Attributes by Field Value"