I have many polygons one example is like so
POLYGON ((-6.17635568766753 106.81217949327073, -6.177086740025682 106.81236308865992, -6.177909092611173 106.81256741425203, -6.178459760710375 106.81270423581032, -6.178946642579903 106.81282348367647,-6.17635568766753 106.81217949327073))
The position is all wrong so when I used ST_GEOGFROMTEXT in BigQuery it reads wrong. How do I reverse the position so that the polygon becomes like so
POLYGON ((106.81217949327073 -6.17635568766753, 106.81236308865992 -6.177086740025682, 106.81256741425203 -6.177909092611173, 106.81270423581032 -6.178459760710375, 106.81282348367647 -6.178946642579903, 106.81217949327073 -6.17635568766753))
so that when I use ST_Within it's able to read the polygon data.
How can I do this in BigQuery?