I am using Jupyter notebook on VS. I have generated script that gets an image collection, does some calculations on it and generates one image (ee.image.Image).

I want to display it on a map. When I do it, it runs, but the map never appears.

This is how I try to create the map:

Map = geemap.Map()
Map.addLayer(img, {}, "NDVI")

this runs but returns nothing. The map window is not openning.

I have installed ipyleaflet but this did not change the situation. My end goal- being able to display interactively the image using gee map.

1 Answer 1


There seems to be a problem with current version of geemap and ipyleaflet version 17.x. I managed to reproduce the issue with geemap==0.17.2, and resolved it by making sure ipyleaflet==0.16 was installed.

Using this venv, geemap worked fine for me:

python3 -m venv venv-geemap
source venv-geemap/bin/activate
pip3 install wheel 
pip3 install ipykernel geemap ipyleaflet==0.16 # Not working with latest ipyleaflet
python3 -m ipykernel install --user --name=venv-geemap
  • indeed it was the the version of ipyleaflet, however, I had to install ipyleafleat==0.17 (if someone has the same issue)
    – ReutKeller
    Commented Nov 20, 2022 at 7:28

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