I have a list of 63 rasters. They are the same extent, resolution, projection, etc. Because I extended 62 rasters to the maximum extent of the 63rd, I introduced NA values. However, these are relative probabilities so these introduced NAs are true zeros so I would like to convert all NAs to 0 for each raster element in the list.

I figured out how to do exactly what I want by double indexing with 1 raster:

# That worked for rast 8! Let's make a function​
sum(is.na(re[[8]][])) # 37000
re[[8]][][is.na(re[[8]][])] <- 0​
sum(is.na(re[[8]][])) # 0 ​
plot(re[[8]])         # Converted 0s appear light gray across max extent       

image description

But I can't quite figure out how to perform the same indexing operation to all 63 rasters in my list. I tried the below function which I thought would work but I must not be indexing properly within the lapply loop because this function returns zero for each element in the list. So it's not working on the raster cells within each raster element.

re_zero <- lapply(re, function(y){
  y[][is.na(y[])] <- 0

I think this is perhaps just an indexing problem.

Could someone point me in the right direction?

2 Answers 2


Very simple solution below using a for-loop instead of lapply. However, I still don't know what I was doing wrong with the lapply function.

# Loop
for(i in 1:length(re)){
 re[[i]][][is.na(re[[i]][])] <- 0 

This aproach shoud work:

re_zero <- list()
for(i in 1:length(re)){
   r <- re[[i]]
   r[is.na(r[])] <- 0
   re_zero[[i]] <- r
  • lapply can be more efficient than a for loop in some cases. However, I don't think this is the case. I recommend using the terra package instead of raster, as it is more modern and efficient. This will make a difference. Also, raster is going to be discontinued soon. There is probably a better way to do this for a set of images stored in a terra catalog.
    – sermomon
    Commented Sep 3, 2023 at 8:13

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