The following PyQGIS doesn't seem to work to load my label style (from a QML style file) for a vector layer created from WKT LINESTRINGs. The vector layer does display but not the line label styles.
After running the script, I would expect the labels to be displayed in QGIS but they are not. Maybe I am wrong but I would expect the layer labels to be set to "Single Labels" Here is the script for QGIS 3.28.1:
uriLines = 'file:///Users/Current%20Work/test%20lines.txt?type=csv&delimiter=;%7C"e=&escape=&maxFields=10000&detectTypes=yes&wktField=Geom&crs=EPSG:4326&spatialIndex=no&subsetIndex=no&watchFile=no'
vLinesLayer = QgsVectorLayer(uriLines, 'Lines', 'delimitedtext')
if not vLinesLayer.isValid():
print("Lines layer not loaded")
vLinesLayer.loadNamedStyle('/Users/Current\ Work/test\ style.qml')