How would you solve the problem:

  1. Points with km values every kilometer
  2. A route (f.e. railroad) als polyline
  3. An area where you would like to know at what kilometers it intersects with the route (railroad km_min and km_max)

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


You can use the field calculator on your area layer with the following expression:


  • route: is your line layer
  • area: is your polygon layer
  • points: is your points layer (with a field called distance - I use meters - to use km you will have to convert in the expression)
-- make variable from array of all distances of intersecting points
    -- make variable of the geometry of the point with minimum distance
                array("distance", $geometry)
            @element[0] = array_min(@distarray)
        -- make variable of the geometry of the point with maximum distance
                    array("distance", $geometry)
                @element[0] = array_max(@distarray)
            -- make variable of the route intersecting the area polygon
                intersection($geometry, aggregate('route', 'collect', $geometry)),
                -- get length of line between the start of the intersecting route and the first point and subtract it from the minimum point distance
                round(array_min(@distarray) - line_locate_point(@intersectline, @start), 1) 
                -- concatenate the two resulting values into a string, separated by a comma
                -- of course, the two values can be calculated separately into two different fields if you prefer
                || ', ' || 
                -- get length of line between the end of the intersecting route and the last point and add it to the maximum point distance
                -- the line is reversed so that `line_locate_point` starts at the other end of the intersecting route
                round(array_max(@distarray) + line_locate_point(reverse(@intersectline), @end), 1)

enter image description here

enter image description here

The blue labels in the polygon show the length of lines I drew as a sanity check between the ends of the intersecting route and the first/last points.

Note: this will have limitations if the route is very twisty and intersects the area more than once.


QGIS expression - overlay function, using overlay function as filter

  • the route kilometers are predetermined, so i can't start at 1 or 0. And the information about where the polygone of the area intersects (in the example picture 86.850km to 91.655km) needs to be precise... but thank you!
    – Marek
    Commented Dec 6, 2022 at 15:36
  • I see. My example starts at 0 for convenience, but the concept would remain the same for any value of distance. I'll update my answer shortly, unless someone else answers in the meantime.
    – Matt
    Commented Dec 6, 2022 at 15:39
  • just wanted to ask if you could help me with the update?
    – Marek
    Commented Dec 9, 2022 at 1:09
  • 1
    Yes, sorry, I had to ask my own question in order to solve it (see referenced question), and yesterday I was away from my computer. The expression looks complicated but the logic is reasonably simple. Let me know if I should break it down / provide more clarification. To other readers or my answer, please feel free to suggest refinements if you know a simpler way).
    – Matt
    Commented Dec 9, 2022 at 11:15

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