I try to share several images through an action from QGIS. The images are in my PC and I need that other users can see them in their machines (we are in a local network). The images are geotagged in point layer:

enter image description here

In the atributes I created a field named PATH_1 with the next structure \\<IP (PC where the photos are stored)>\<path>\<file.jpg>

enter image description here

In properties > actions > new action > type: generic In action text: cmd/c [%PATH_1%] I have seen this from other recomendations.

enter image description here

Finally when I try do run it, it shows unable to run command:

enter image description here

How can I do this action? Is it possible?

  • Hi Oscar Soto, welcome to GIS SE. "I have seen this from other recomendations" - when asking questions, it would help to add a link where you've seen that.
    – Babel
    Commented Dec 22, 2022 at 21:01

1 Answer 1


This is a syntax problem. You must enclose the path in double quotes: " and make sure to include a space after cmd. Thus the command to open a jpg file with an action looks like this:

cmd /c "[%PATH_1%]"

See What Does “cmd /c” Means In Windows MS-DOS?

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