I'm attempting to remove a part of string in an attribute column of a shapefile. The part in question is Snapshots\\ from Snapshots\390_measure_1.jpeg. So I want the output to be 390_measure_1.jpeg.

Right now I'm using the Field Calculator like so to do this:

regexp_replace("Snapshot_1", '([a-zA-Z])+\\ ([0-9])+_([a-zA-Z])+\.([a-zA-Z])+', '\\2\\3')

This however does nothing to the output. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. Also there seems to be no way to escape \\ (The backslash character) in order to match it separately.

  • Sorry, what do you mean by escape "" (The backslash character) in order to match it seperately? backslash is part of the string? You want to keep backslashes or not?
    – Babel
    Commented Dec 27, 2022 at 13:42
  • I wanted to remove the backslash, so I needed to escape it in regex in order for regex to match it. If I didn't escape it, regex wouldn't realise that it's a part of the string, rather than a part of regex syntax. Sorry for confusing terminology, I'm not a programmer or a native speaker of English.
    – enor
    Commented Dec 28, 2022 at 11:24
  • 1
    Yes, as you found out, two backslashes \\ are used in QGIS expression engine regex to mask characters
    – Babel
    Commented Dec 28, 2022 at 11:26
  • This question is clearly addressed in the regexp_replace - QGIS Documentation: "Backslash characters must be double escaped." Since the normal regex for a literal backslash is '\\' and backslash characters need to be double escaped in QGIS regexp functions, you end up with '\\\\'.
    – bixb0012
    Commented Dec 29, 2022 at 15:44

4 Answers 4


The correct way to do this seems to be


This removes "Snapshots\" from the regex as it somehow escapes the backslash.


You could just split on the \ character and return the last element of the array:

split( "Snapshots_1", '\\', -1)

enter image description here

The custom split function can be defined in the Function Editor:

enter image description here

from qgis.core import *

@qgsfunction(args='auto', group='Custom')
def split(value, char, index, feature, parent):
    Splits the parameter on char and returns split[index].
    <h2>Example usage:</h2>
      <li>split("a_b", "_", 0) -> a</li>
      <li>split("a b c", " ", 1) -> b</li>
    return value.split(char)[index]
  • Sorry, this does not provide an answer as split function is a custom function, not predifined (maybe you defined it earlier, so it already existist). You should provide the code to create the split function, otherwise this solution does not work.
    – Babel
    Commented Dec 27, 2022 at 13:50
  • 1
    @Babel, I've never defined it, but have included the code.
    – user2856
    Commented Dec 27, 2022 at 23:03

Two other options how to do it: one without, the other with Regular Expressions.

  1. Without using regular expressions:

    replace (
        left ("Snapshot_1",10),

    This looks for the 10 characters at the left (first 10 characters, line 3) of the input string (line 2) and replaces them with an empty string (line 4).

    If \ (backslash character) is part of the input string, replace 10 with 11 in the expression.

  1. With regular expressions


    This looks for the position of the first backslash \ and returns the substring based on the input starting with the next character: from the first character after the \ till the end.


Another option is to use substr() and strpos(). strpos(string, char) returns the position of the first match for char in the string. substr(string, start[, optional length]) returns the part of the string starting at position start and an optional length, which isn't needed here.

Position of the first backslash: strpos(Snapshot_1, '\\')

Part of the string starting after the backslash. (Note: we need to add 1 position to set the start after the backslash.) substr(Snapshot_1, strpos(Snapshot_1, '\\')+1)

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